Why Aren’t Home Prices Falling as Inventory Rises?

A blue and white image of some houses

Kevin Brierton – 2.4.2024 2024 is shaping up to be a year of solid home appreciation following the numbers that are coming in from last year. Recent reports from CoreLogic and Redfin confirm that home prices rose in 2023 despite rough homebuying conditions. Not only that, but the 2023 numbers eclipsed the ones we saw…

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2 of the Factors That Impact Mortgage Rates

Three white blocks with a question mark on them.

Kevin Brierton – 1.30.2024 If you’re looking to buy a home, you’ve probably been paying close attention to mortgage rates. Over the last couple of years, they hit record lows, rose dramatically, and are now dropping back down a bit. Ever wonder why? The answer is complicated because there’s a lot that can influence mortgage rates. Here…

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3 Keys To Hitting Your Homeownership Goals in 2024

A woman standing on top of a balcony looking at the sky.

Kevin Brierton – 1.1.2024 If buying or selling a home is your goal for 2024, it’s important to understand today’s housing market, know your why, and work with industry experts to bring your homeownership vision for the new year into focus. Over the last year, the economy had a big impact on the housing market, and likely on your…

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Why Mortgage Rates Could Continue To Decline

A black and white photo of a sign with the symbol for percent.

Kevin Brierton – 12.20.2023 When you read about the housing market, you’ll probably come across some information about inflation or recent decisions made by the Federal Reserve (the Fed). But how do those two things impact you and your homebuying plans? Here’s what you need to know. The Federal Funds Rate Hikes Have Stalled One of the Fed’s primary goals…

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Why the Economy Won’t Tank the Housing Market

A man with glasses and white beard sitting in front of a kitchen.

Kevin Brierton – 11.29.2023 If you’re worried about a coming recession, you’re not alone. Over the past couple of years, there’s been a lot of recession talk. And many people worry, if we do have one, it would cause the unemployment rate to skyrocket. Some even fear that a spike in unemployment would lead to…

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No, A ‘Housing Recession’ Does Not Mean Falling Home Prices

A blue and white graphic with houses on it

Kevin Brierton – 11.13.2023 Last week, an article was posted to fortune.com with this headline: The housing market is headed back to a 1980s-style recession, Wells Fargo says—and it’s all because of ‘higher for longer’ mortgage rates On first read, this clearly sounds like a warning that home prices are going to fall because of…

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How Inflation Affects the Housing Market

A row of houses with green grass on the front lawn.

Kevin Brierton – 8.31.2023 Have you ever wondered how inflation impacts the housing market? Believe it or not, they’re connected. Whenever there are changes to one, both are affected. Here’s a high-level overview of the connection between the two. The Relationship Between Housing Inflation and Overall Inflation Shelter inflation is the measure of price growth specific to housing.…

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More Jobs and Better Pay Leads to More Buyer Demand

A man sitting at his desk looking at his phone.

Kevin Brierton – 8.24.2023 There’s been talk about a recession for quite a while now. But the economy has been remarkably resilient. Why? One reason is employment and wages have stayed strong. Let’s look at the latest information on each one and why both are good news if you’re thinking about selling your house. More…

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How Inflation Affects Mortgage Rates

A neon sign of the symbol for percent.

Kevin Brierton – 8.3.2023 When you read about the housing market in the news, you might see something about a recent decision made by the Federal Reserve (the Fed). But how does this decision affect you and your plans to buy a home? Here’s what you need to know. The Fed is trying hard to reduce inflation. And even…

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A Recession Doesn’t Equal a Housing Crisis

A street with houses and trees on the side.

Kevin Brierton – 5.2.2023 Everywhere you look, people are talking about a potential recession. And if you’re planning to buy or sell a house, this may leave you wondering if your plans are still a wise move. To help ease your mind, experts are saying that if we do officially enter a recession, it’ll be…

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Why Today’s Foreclosure Numbers Are Nothing Like 2008

A man sitting down reading the paper.

Kevin Brierton – 4.27.2023 You’ve likely seen headlines about the number of foreclosures climbing in today’s housing market. That may leave you with a few questions, especially if you’re thinking about buying a house. Understanding what they really mean is mission-critical if you want to know the truth about what’s happening today. According to a…

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What Happens to Housing when There’s a Recession?

A yellow house shaped object on top of a wall.

Kevin Brierton – 10.25.2022 Since the 2008 housing bubble burst, the word recession strikes a stronger emotional chord than it ever did before. And while there’s some debate around whether we’re officially in a recession right now, the good news is experts say a recession today would likely be mild and the economy would rebound…

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What Does an Economic Slowdown Mean for the Housing Market?

Two people are studying at a table.

Kevin Brierton – 7.7.2022 According to a recent survey, more and more Americans are concerned about a possible recession. Those concerns were validated when the Federal Reserve met and confirmed they were strongly committed to bringing down inflation. And, in order to do so, they’d use their tools and influence to slow down the economy. All…

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How Buying or Selling a Home Benefits the Economy and Your Community

A wooden model of a house on top of a table.

Kevin Brierton – 5.25.2022 If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home, chances are you’re focusing on the many extraordinary ways it’ll change your life. But do you know it has a large impact on your community too? To measure that impact, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) releases a report each year to highlight just how much economic activity a home…

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