Kevin Brierton Team Loan Checklist

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Loan Checklist

The following items may be critical to your loan being completed in a timely manner. Please provide them if they apply to you.

Tip – When providing documents please provide ALL pages of your documents:

  • (2) most recent Pay Stubs for the last 30 Days for all borrowers (if applicable)
  • (2) Years most recent W-2’s for all borrowers (if applicable)
  • (2) Years most recent Tax Returns (personal and Business) for all borrowers **Including ALL Schedules /ALL pages
  • (2) Months Bank Statements (savings and checking) Including ALL pages
  • Copy of (ID) Driver’s License for all borrowers
  • Copy of current homeowner declarations or Insurance Agent’s Contact info
  • Copy of current months mortgage statements for all properties you own (if applicable)
  • Copy of Purchase Agreement (once received)

(if applicable)

  • Copy of Divorce Decree, including all pages (if applicable)
  • Copy of Bankruptcy discharge papers (if applicable)
  • Explanation Letter (for late payments, collections, etc.)
  • Copy of all Pension Statements, “Award” Letter, etc. (if applicable)
  • Copy of Social Security Annual “Award” Letter, Statement, etc. (if applicable)

Thank you for trusting my team and me with your home financing needs.