Your House Could Be the #1 Item on a Homebuyer’s Wish List During the Holidays
Kevin Brierton - 11.28.2022 Each year, homeowners planning to make a move are faced with...
Top Questions About Selling Your Home This Winter
Kevin Brierton - 11.16.2022 There’s no denying the housing market is undergoing a shift this...
Perspective Matters When Selling Your House Today
Kevin Brierton - 10.13.2022 Does the latest news about the housing market have you questioning...
How To Prep Your House for Sale This Fall
Kevin Brierton - 10.03.2022 Today’s housing market is different than it was just a few months ago....
If You’re Thinking of Selling Your House This Fall, Hire a Pro
Kevin Brierton - 9.29.2022 Today’s market is at a turning point, making it more essential than...
Top Reasons Homeowners Are Selling Their Houses Right Now
Kevin Brierton - 9.21.2022 Some people believe there’s a group of homeowners who may be...
Watching the Stock Market? Check the Value of Your Home for Good News.
Kevin Brierton - 9.20.2022 While watching the stock market recently may have started to feel...
Will My House Still Sell in Today’s Market?
Kevin Brierton - 9.19.2022 If recent headlines about the housing market cooling and buyer demand...