Mortgage Talk - Blog

A woman shaking hands with an older man.

Why Now Is Still a Great Time To Sell Your House

Kevin Brierton - 12.18.2023 If you were worried buyer demand disappeared when mortgage rates went up, the...
Three people sitting at a table with a laptop

If Your House Hasn’t Sold Yet, It May Be Overpriced

Kevin Brierton - 12.14.2023 Has your house been sitting on the market for a while without selling? If...
A bird 's eye view of houses and trees in the evening.

The Surprising Trend in the Number of Homes Coming onto the Market

Kevin Brierton - 12.13.2023 If you're thinking about moving, it's important to know what's happening in...
A small house sitting on top of stacks of coins.

Down Payment Assistance Programs Can Help Pave the Way to Homeownership

Kevin Brierton - 12.12.2023 If you’re looking to buy a home, your down payment doesn’t...
A family sitting on the floor in their new home

The Perfect Home Could Be the One You Perfect After Buying

Kevin Brierton - 12.11.2023 There’s no denying mortgage rates and home prices are higher now than they were last...
A man and woman in business attire holding papers.

Why You Should Use a Real Estate Agent When You Buy a Home

Kevin Brierton - 12.7.2023 If you’ve recently decided you’re ready to become a homeowner, chances are...
A green door is in front of the house.

How To Turn Homeownership into a Side Hustle

Kevin Brierton - 12.6.2023 Does the rising cost of just about everything these days make...
A couple of people standing in a room.

When You Sell Your House, Where Do You Plan To Go?

Kevin Brierton - 12.5.2023 If you’re thinking about selling your house, you may have heard...
A hand holding keys with the words no cost refinancing now, build equity and big in 2 0 2 1.

Why The No-Cost Refinance Makes Sense – Buy Now, Build Equity, and Save Big in 2024

Owning a home is a crucial part of finding financial freedom, but deciding when to...
A wooden easel with money and some houses

Experts Project Home Prices Will Rise over the Next 5 Years

Kevin Brierton - 12.4.2023 Even with so much data showing home prices are rising in most of the...