3 Key Factors Affecting Home Affordability

A group of people laughing together at an event.

Kevin Brierton – 1.18.2024 Over the past year, a lot of people have been talking about housing affordability and how tight it’s gotten. But just recently, there’s been a little bit of relief on that front. Mortgage rates have gone down since their most recent peak in October. But there’s more to being able to afford a home than…

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More Jobs and Better Pay Leads to More Buyer Demand

A man sitting at his desk looking at his phone.

Kevin Brierton – 8.24.2023 There’s been talk about a recession for quite a while now. But the economy has been remarkably resilient. Why? One reason is employment and wages have stayed strong. Let’s look at the latest information on each one and why both are good news if you’re thinking about selling your house. More…

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The Three Factors Affecting Home Affordability Today

A large kitchen with wooden floors and white walls.

Kevin Brierton – 4.26.2023 There’s been a lot of focus on higher mortgage rates and how they’re creating affordability challenges for today’s homebuyers. It’s true that rates climbed dramatically since the record-low we saw during the pandemic. But home affordability is based on more than just mortgage rates – it’s determined by a combination of…

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The 3 Factors That Affect Home Affordability

A vase with flowers on top of a table.

Kevin Brierton – 1.24.2023 If you’ve been following the housing market over the last couple of years, you’ve likely heard about growing affordability challenges. But according to experts, the key factors that determine housing affordability are projected to improve this year. Selma Hepp, Executive, Deputy Chief Economist at CoreLogic, shares: “. . . with slowly improving affordability and…

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Key Factors Affecting Home Affordability Today

A view of houses from above, with trees in the background.

Kevin Brierton – 11.7.2022 Every time there’s a news segment about the housing market, we hear about the affordability challenges buyers are facing today. Those headlines are focused on how much mortgage rates have climbed this year. And while it’s true rates have risen dramatically, it’s important to remember they aren’t the only factor in…

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