Expert Home Price Forecasts Revised Up for 2023

A blue table with four stacks of money on it.

Kevin Brierton – 9.5.2023 Toward the end of last year, there were a number of headlines saying home prices were going to fall substantially in 2023. That led to a lot of fear and questions about whether there was going to be a repeat of the housing crash that happened back in 2008. But the headlines got…

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Where Are People Moving Today and Why?

A woman standing in front of a window holding papers.

Kevin Brierton – 8.14.2023 Plenty of people are still moving these days. And if you’re thinking of making a move yourself, you may be considering the inventory and affordability challenges in the housing market and wondering what you can do to help offset those. A new report from Gravy Analytics provides insight into where people are searching for homes and what they’re prioritizing most right…

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