Beginning with Pre-Approval

A key with a house shaped keychain hanging from the handle of a door knob.

Kevin Brierton – 9.25.2023 If you’re looking to buy a home this fall, there are a few things you need to know. Affordability is tight with today’s mortgage rates and rising home prices. At the same time, there’s a limited number of homes on the market right now and that’s creating some competition among buyers. But, if you’re strategic, there…

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Your Home Equity Can Offset Affordability Challenges

Two women are talking to each other in a room.

Kevin Brierton – 9.19.2023 Are you thinking about selling your house? If so, today’s mortgage rates may be making you wonder if that’s the right decision. Some homeowners are reluctant to sell and take on a higher mortgage rate on their next home. If you’re worried about this too, know that even though rates are high right now,…

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Get Ready for Smaller, More Affordable Homes

A house with a red door and white picket fence.

Kevin Brierton – 9.7.2023 Have you been trying to buy a home, but higher mortgage rates and home prices are limiting your options? If so, here’s some good news – based on what Ali Wolf, Chief Economist at Zonda, has to say â€“ smaller, more affordable homes are on the way: “Buyers should expect that over the next 12 to 24 months there will…

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Why You May Still Want To Sell Your House After All

A young family sitting on the floor of their home.

Kevin Brierton – 8.29.2023 Even though you may feel reluctant to sell your house because you don’t want to take on a mortgage rate that’s higher than the one you have now, there’s more to consider. While the financial side of things does matter, your personal needs may actually matter just as much. As an article from Bankrate says: “Deciding whether…

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Why You Need a True Expert in Today’s Housing Market

A group of people sitting around each other.

Kevin Brierton – 8.23.2023 The housing market continues to shift and change, and in a fast-moving landscape like we’re in right now, it’s more important than ever to have a trusted real estate agent on your side. Whether you’re buying your first home or selling once again, it’s mission-critical to work with an expert who can…

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About 11,000 Houses Will Sell Today

A group of people standing next to each other.

Kevin Brierton – 8.10.2023 Some homeowners have been waiting for months to put their house on the market because they don’t think people are buying homes right now. If that’s you, know that even though the housing market has slowed compared to the frenzy of a couple of years ago, it isn’t at a standstill. Contrary to what you may believe,…

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Four Ways You Can Use Your Home Equity

A stack of coins with a small house on top.

Kevin Brierton – 8.7.2023 If you’re a homeowner, odds are your equity has grown significantly over the last few years. Equity builds over time as home values grow and as you pay down your home loan. And, since home prices skyrocketed during the â€˜unicorn’ years, you’ve likely gained more than you think. According to the latest Equity Insights Report from CoreLogic, the average homeowner…

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Pricing Your House Right Still Matters Today

A group of people sitting around each other.

Kevin Brierton – 7.31.2023 While this isn’t the frenzied market we saw during the â€˜unicorn’ years, homes that are priced right are still selling quickly and seeing multiple offers right now. That’s because the number of homes for sale is still so low. Data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows 76% of homes sold within a month and the average…

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Don’t Fall for the Next Shocking Headlines About Home Prices

A woman sitting at a table with her phone and laptop.

Kevin Brierton – 7.25.2023 If you’re thinking of buying or selling a home, one of the biggest questions you have right now is probably: what’s happening with home prices? And it’s no surprise you don’t have the clarity you need on that topic. Part of the issue is how headlines are talking about prices. They’re basing their negative news by comparing current stats…

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Home Prices Are Rebounding

A wooden house with money stacked on top of it.

Kevin Brierton – 7.17.2023 If you’re following the news today, you may feel a bit unsure about what’s happening with home prices and fear whether or not the worst is yet to come. That’s because today’s headlines are painting an unnecessarily negative picture. If we take a year-over-year view, home prices did drop some, but that’s because we’re comparing to a â€˜unicorn’…

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Momentum Is Building for New Home Construction

A table with four wooden blocks on it

Kevin Brierton – 7.11.2023 If you’re in the process of looking for a home today, you know the supply of homes for sale is low because you’re feeling the impact of having a limited pool of options. And, if your biggest hurdle right now is that you’re having trouble finding something you like, don’t forget that a…

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Two Questions To Ask Yourself if You’re Considering Buying a Home

A white paper house on blue background

Kevin Brierton – 7.5.2023 If you’re thinking of buying a home, chances are you’re paying attention to just about everything you hear about the housing market. And you’re getting your information from a variety of channels: the news, social media, your real estate agent, conversations with friends and loved ones, overhearing someone chatting at the…

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A Drop in Equity Doesn’t Mean Low Equity

A yellow house sitting on top of some coins.

Kevin Brierton – 6.14.2023 You may see media coverage talking about a drop in homeowner equity. What’s important to understand is that equity is tied closely to home values. So, when home prices appreciate, you can expect equity to grow. And when home prices decline, equity does too. Here’s how this has played out recently. …

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This Real Estate Market Is the Strongest of Our Lifetime

A man holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

Kevin Brierton – 6.8.2023 When you look at the numbers today, the one thing that stands out is the strength of this housing market. We can see this is one of the most foundationally strong housing markets of our lifetime – if not the strongest housing market of our lifetime. Here are two fundamentals that…

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Keys to Success for First-Time Homebuyers

A man is handing keys to two people.

Kevin Brierton – 5.31.2023 Buying your first home is an exciting decision and a major milestone that has the power to change your life for the better. As a first-time homebuyer, it’s a vision you can bring to life, but, as the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shares, you’ll have to overcome some factors that…

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Today’s Real Estate Market: The ‘Unicorns’ Have Galloped Off

A white unicorn is walking in the grass.

Kevin Brierton – 5.30.2023 Comparing real estate metrics from one year to another can be challenging in a normal housing market. That’s due to possible variability in the market making the comparison less meaningful or accurate. Unpredictable events can have a significant impact on the circumstances and outcomes being compared.  Comparing this year’s numbers to…

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