Are More Homeowners Selling as Mortgage Rates Come Down?

A hand is touching the top of a wall with tiny houses on it.

Kevin Brierton – 1.24.2024 If you’re looking to buy a home, the recent downward trend in mortgage rates is good news because it helps with affordability. But there’s another way this benefits you – it may inspire more homeowners to put their houses up for sale. The Mortgage Rate Lock-In Effect Over the past year, one factor that’s…

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3 Keys To Hitting Your Homeownership Goals in 2024

A woman standing on top of a balcony looking at the sky.

Kevin Brierton – 1.1.2024 If buying or selling a home is your goal for 2024, it’s important to understand today’s housing market, know your why, and work with industry experts to bring your homeownership vision for the new year into focus. Over the last year, the economy had a big impact on the housing market, and likely on your…

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The Perfect Home Could Be the One You Perfect After Buying

A family sitting on the floor in their new home

Kevin Brierton – 12.11.2023 There’s no denying mortgage rates and home prices are higher now than they were last year and that’s impacting what you can afford. At the same time, there are still fewer homes available for sale than the norm. These are two of the biggest hurdles buyers are facing today. But there are ways to overcome these things and…

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Are There Actually More Homes for Sale Right Now?

A bird 's eye view of many houses on the side of a road.

Kevin Brierton – 11.21.2023 If you’re looking to make a move, you want to be sure you have the latest information on the housing market. To help make that possible, here’s an update on the supply of homes for sale today. Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, the number of homes available in your local market matters…

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A Real Estate Agent Helps Take the Fear Out of the Market

A group of people standing around each other.

Kevin Brierton – 10.30.2023 Do negative headlines and talk on social media have you feeling worried about the housing market? Maybe you’ve even seen or heard something lately that scares you and makes you wonder if you should still buy or sell a home right now. Regrettably, when news in the media isn’t easy to understand, it can make people…

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Why You Need a True Expert in Today’s Housing Market

A group of people sitting around each other.

Kevin Brierton – 8.23.2023 The housing market continues to shift and change, and in a fast-moving landscape like we’re in right now, it’s more important than ever to have a trusted real estate agent on your side. Whether you’re buying your first home or selling once again, it’s mission-critical to work with an expert who can…

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What Are the Experts Saying About the Spring Housing Market?

A group of people standing around each other.

Kevin Brierton – 4.25.2023 The housing market’s been going through a lot of change lately, and there’s been uncertainty surrounding what will happen this spring. You may be wondering if more homes will go on the market, what’s next with home prices and mortgage rates, or what the best advice is for someone in your…

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The Big Advantage If You Sell This Spring

A man and boy playing soccer in the yard.

Kevin Brierton – 4.11.2023 Thinking about selling your house? If you’ve been waiting for the right time, it could be now while the supply of homes for sale is so low. HousingWire shares: “. . . the big question is whether we are finally starting to see the seasonal spring increase in inventory. The answer…

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We’re in a Sellers’ Market. What Does That Mean?

A kitchen with wooden chairs and a round table

Kevin Brierton – 3.30.2023 Even though activity in the housing market has slowed from the frenzy we saw over a year ago, today’s low supply of homes for sale is still a sellers’ market. But what does that really mean? And why are conditions today so good if you want to list your house? It…

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Balancing Your Wants and Needs as a Homebuyer This Spring

A woman is doing yoga in her living room.

Kevin Brierton – 3.15.2023 Though there are more homes for sale now than there were at this time last year, there’s still an undersupply with fewer houses available than in more normal, pre-pandemic years. The Monthly Housing Market Trends Report from puts it this way:  “While the number of homes for sale is increasing,…

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The Two Big Issues the Housing Market’s Facing Right Now

A cup of coffee on top of a wooden table.

Kevin Brierton – 2.21.2023 The biggest challenge the housing market faces is how few homes there are for sale. Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American, explains the root causes of today’s low supply: “Two dynamics are keeping existing-home inventory historically low – rate-locked existing homeowners and the fear of not finding something to buy.†Let’s break down these two big…

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Should You Consider Buying a Newly Built Home?

A wooden model of a house on top of a blueprint.

Kevin Brierton – 2.15.2022 If you’re thinking about buying a home, you might be focusing on previously owned ones. But with so few houses for sale today, it makes sense to consider all your options, including a newly built home. The Number of Newly Built Homes Is on the Rise While there are more houses for…

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Why Today’s Housing Market Isn’t Headed for a Crash

A street with houses on the side of it.

Kevin Brierton – 2.9.2023 67% of Americans say a housing market crash is imminent in the next three years. With all the talk in the media lately about shifts in the housing market, it makes sense why so many people feel this way. But there’s good news. Current data shows today’s market is nothing like it was before…

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Want To Sell Your House? Price It Right.

A house made of money with keys and a key hole.

Kevin Brierton – 1.23.2023 Last year, the housing market slowed down in response to higher mortgage rates, and that had an impact on home prices. If you’re considering selling your house soon, you’ll want to adjust your expectations accordingly. As explains: “. . . some of the more prominent pandemic trends have changed, so sellers might wish…

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Today’s Housing Market Is Nothing Like 15 Years Ago

A bird 's eye view of houses and streets.

Kevin Brierton – 1.11.2023 There’s no doubt today’s housing market is very different than the frenzied one from the past couple of years. In the second half of 2022, there was a dramatic shift in real estate, and it caused many people to make comparisons to the 2008 housing crisis. While there may be a few similarities,…

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What To Expect From the Housing Market in 2023

A view of an aerial photo of a city.

The 2022 housing market has been defined by two key things: inflation and rapidly rising mortgage rates. And in many ways, it’s put the market into a reset position. As the Federal Reserve (the Fed) made moves this year to try to lower inflation, mortgage rates more than doubled â€“ something that’s never happened before in a calendar year. This…

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You May Have More Negotiation Power When You Buy a Home Today

Three people standing in a kitchen talking to each other.

Kevin Brierton – 12.14.2022 Did the frequency and intensity of bidding wars over the past two years make you put your home search on hold? If so, you should know the hyper competitive market has cooled this year as buyer demand has moderated and housing supply has grown. Those two factors combined mean you may see less competition from…

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Ready To Sell? Today’s Housing Supply Gives You Two Opportunities.

Two men sitting on a porch with coffee cups.

Kevin Brierton – 12.13.2022 At first glance, the increase in housing supply compared to last year may not sound like good news for prospective sellers, but it actually gives you two key opportunities in today’s housing market. An article from Calculated Risk helps put the inventory gains the market has seen in 2022 into perspective by comparing it to recent years…

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Millennials Are Still a Driving Force of Today’s Buyer Demand

A group of people standing around a table.

Kevin Brierton – 10.27.2022 If you’re thinking about selling your house but wondering if buyers are still out there, know that there are still people who are searching for a home to buy today. And your house may be exactly what they’re looking for. While the millennial generation has been dubbed the renter generation, that namesake may not be…

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