Should Baby Boomers Buy or Rent After Selling Their Houses?

A man and woman standing next to each other.

Kevin Brierton – 9.13.2023 Are you a baby boomer who’s lived in your current house for a long time and you’re ready for a change? If you’re thinking about selling your house, you have a lot to consider. Will you move to a different state or stay nearby? Is it time to downsize or do you want more…

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Gen Z: The Next Generation Is Making Moves in the Housing Market

A woman and a girl in the kitchen

Kevin Brierton – 8.28.2023 Generation Z (Gen Z) is eager to put down their own roots and achieve financial independence. As a result, they’re turning to homeownership. According to the latest Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 30% of Gen Z buyers transitioned straight from living under their parents’ roofs to owning…

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The Three Factors Affecting Home Affordability Today

A large kitchen with wooden floors and white walls.

Kevin Brierton – 4.26.2023 There’s been a lot of focus on higher mortgage rates and how they’re creating affordability challenges for today’s homebuyers. It’s true that rates climbed dramatically since the record-low we saw during the pandemic. But home affordability is based on more than just mortgage rates – it’s determined by a combination of…

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