Experts Project Home Prices Will Increase in 2024

A woman sitting on the couch reading a book.

Kevin Brierton – 1.23.2024 Even though home prices are going up nationally, some people are still worried they might come down. A recent survey from Fannie Mae found that 24% of people think home prices will decline over the next 12 months. That means almost one out of every four people are dealing with that fear, and you might…

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A calculator and some pencils on top of papers.

Kevin Brierton – 1.15.2024 YOUR COST OF BORROWING MAY BE LOWER THAN YOU THINK Homeowners who itemize tax deductions can deduct the interest on up to $750,000 of mortgage balances used to buy, build, or improve a qualified home. Here’s how to figure out the impact of that tax deduction: WHAT IS YOUR MARGINAL TAX…

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What Lower Mortgage Rates Mean for Your Purchasing Power

A yellow calculator sitting on top of a table.

Kevin Brierton – 1.8.2024 If you want to buy a home, it’s important to know how mortgage rates impact what you can afford and how much you’ll pay each month. Fortunately, rates for 30-year fixed mortgages have come down significantly since the end of October and are currently under 7%, according to Freddie Mac (see graph below): This recent trend is…

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Why You Should Use a Real Estate Agent When You Buy a Home

A man and woman in business attire holding papers.

Kevin Brierton – 12.7.2023 If you’ve recently decided you’re ready to become a homeowner, chances are you’re trying to figure out what to do first. It can feel a bit overwhelming to know where to start, but the good news is you don’t have to navigate all of that alone. When it comes to buying a…

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How To Turn Homeownership into a Side Hustle

A green door is in front of the house.

Kevin Brierton – 12.6.2023 Does the rising cost of just about everything these days make your dream of owning your own home feel less within reach? According to Bankrate, many people are seeking additional income through side hustles, possibly to cope with those increasing expenses and save for a home. This trend is particularly popular with younger individuals…

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Homeowner Net Worth Has Skyrocketed

A blue piggy bank with a small house on top of it.

Kevin Brierton – 11.7.2023 If you’re weighing your options to decide whether it makes more sense to rent or buy a home today, here’s one key data point that could help you feel more confident in making your decision. Every three years, the Federal Reserve Board releases the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF). That report covers the difference in net worth…

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What Are Accessory Dwelling Units and How Can They Benefit You?

A white house sitting in the middle of a field.

Kevin Brierton – 11.1.2023 Maybe you’re in the market for a home and are having a hard time finding the right one that fits your budget. Or perhaps you’re already a homeowner in need of extra income or a place for loved ones. Whether as a potential homebuyer or a homeowner with changing needs, accessory dwelling units, or ADUs for…

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Invest in Yourself by Owning a Home

A house with grass and trees in front of it.

Kevin Brierton – 10.25.2023 Are you wondering if it makes sense to buy a home right now? While today’s mortgage rates might seem a bit intimidating, here are two compelling reasons why it still may be a good time to become a homeowner. Home Values Appreciate Over Time There’s been a lot of confusion around what’s happened with home prices…

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The Many Non-Financial Benefits of Homeownership

A woman and child playing in the living room.

Kevin Brierton – 9.21.2023 Buying and owning your own home can have a big impact on your life. While there are financial reasons to become a homeowner, it’s essential to think about the non-financial benefits that make a home more than just a place to live. Here are some of the top non-financial reasons to buy a…

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What Experts Project for Home Prices Over the Next 5 Years

A person holding a house and pen on top of papers.

Kevin Brierton – 9.12.2023 If you’re planning to buy a home, one thing to consider is what experts project home prices will do in the future and how that might affect your investment. While you may have seen negative news over the past year about home prices, they’re doing far better than expected and are rising across the country. And…

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Four Ways You Can Use Your Home Equity

A stack of coins with a small house on top.

Kevin Brierton – 8.7.2023 If you’re a homeowner, odds are your equity has grown significantly over the last few years. Equity builds over time as home values grow and as you pay down your home loan. And, since home prices skyrocketed during the â€˜unicorn’ years, you’ve likely gained more than you think. According to the latest Equity Insights Report from CoreLogic, the average homeowner…

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How To Know If You’re Ready to Buy a Home

A woman sitting on the side of a boat looking at her phone.

Kevin Brierton – 8.2.2023 If you’re trying to decide if you’re ready to buy a home, there’s probably a lot on your mind. You’re thinking about your finances, today’s mortgage rates and home prices, the limited supply of homes for sale, and more. And, you’re juggling how all of those things will impact the choice you’ll make. While housing…

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Owning Your Home Helps You Build Wealth

A person sitting in an adirondack chair on the porch of a house.

Kevin Brierton – 7.20.2023 You may have heard some people say it’s better to rent than buy a home right now. But, even today, there are lots of good reasons to become a homeowner. One of them is that owning a home is typically viewed as a good long-term investment that helps your net worth grow over time. Homeownership Builds Wealth Regardless of…

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Explaining Today’s Mortgage Rates

A view of houses from above, showing the streets.

Kevin Brierton – 7.19.2023 If you’re following mortgage rates because you know they impact your borrowing costs, you may be wondering what the future holds for them. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to answer that question because mortgage rates are notoriously hard to forecast.   But, there’s one thing that’s historically a good indicator of what’ll happen with rates, and…

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Renting or Selling Your House: What’s the Best Move?

A man and woman sitting on the grass in front of a house.

Kevin Brierton – 7.12.2023 If you’re a homeowner ready to make a move, you may be thinking about using your current house as a short-term rental property instead of selling it. A short-term rental (STR) is typically offered as an alternative to a hotel, and they’re an investment that’s gained popularity in recent years. While a short-term…

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A Drop in Equity Doesn’t Mean Low Equity

A yellow house sitting on top of some coins.

Kevin Brierton – 6.14.2023 You may see media coverage talking about a drop in homeowner equity. What’s important to understand is that equity is tied closely to home values. So, when home prices appreciate, you can expect equity to grow. And when home prices decline, equity does too. Here’s how this has played out recently. …

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Buyer Activity Is Up Despite Higher Mortgage Rates

A yellow arrow is going up and down

Kevin Brierton – 5.3.2023 If you’re a homeowner thinking about making a move, you may wonder if it’s still a good time to sell your house. Here’s the good news. Even with higher mortgage rates, buyer traffic is actually picking up speed. Data from the latest ShowingTime Showing Index, which is a measure of buyers actively…

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5 Reasons Millennials Are Buying Homes

A woman and child playing on the couch

Kevin Brierton – 4.18.2023 In the United States, there are over 72 million millennials. If you’re part of that generation and have thought about buying a home, you aren’t alone. According to Zonda, 98% of millennials want to become a homeowner at some point if they aren’t already. But why? There are plenty of reasons…

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Why It’s Easy To Fall in Love with Homeownership

A family is sitting on the couch together.

Kevin Brierton – 2.14.2023 No matter how the housing market changes, there are some things about owning a home that never changes—like the personal benefits it can provide. When you own your home, you likely feel a sense of attachment because of the comfort it gives and also because it’s a space that’s truly yours. Over the last…

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