Ways Your Home Equity Can Help You Reach Your Goals

A kitchen with white cabinets and blue chairs

Kevin Brierton – 1.9.2024 If you’ve owned your house for at least a couple of years, there’s something you’re going to want to know more about – and that’s home equity. If you’re not familiar with that term, Freddie Mac defines it like this: “. . . your home’s equity is the difference between how much your home is worth…

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These Top Cities Show Home Prices Are Still Climbing

A model house sitting on top of money.

Kevin Brierton – 11.14.2023 If you’re considering buying a home or selling your current one to find something that better suits your needs, you may have questions about what’s happening with home prices today. Here’s what you need to know. There’s still a lot of confusion and misinformation out there. So, no matter what you may have heard, the national data shows…

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Invest in Yourself by Owning a Home

A house with grass and trees in front of it.

Kevin Brierton – 10.25.2023 Are you wondering if it makes sense to buy a home right now? While today’s mortgage rates might seem a bit intimidating, here are two compelling reasons why it still may be a good time to become a homeowner. Home Values Appreciate Over Time There’s been a lot of confusion around what’s happened with home prices…

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Unpacking the Long-Term Benefits of Homeownership

A man and woman carrying boxes in a room.

Kevin Brierton – 10.2.2023 If you’re thinking about buying a home soon, higher mortgage rates, rising home prices, and ongoing affordability concerns may make you wonder if it still makes sense to buy a home right now. While those market factors are important, there’s more to consider. You should think about the long-term benefits of homeownership too. Think about…

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Four Ways You Can Use Your Home Equity

A stack of coins with a small house on top.

Kevin Brierton – 8.7.2023 If you’re a homeowner, odds are your equity has grown significantly over the last few years. Equity builds over time as home values grow and as you pay down your home loan. And, since home prices skyrocketed during the â€˜unicorn’ years, you’ve likely gained more than you think. According to the latest Equity Insights Report from CoreLogic, the average homeowner…

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Momentum Is Building for New Home Construction

A table with four wooden blocks on it

Kevin Brierton – 7.11.2023 If you’re in the process of looking for a home today, you know the supply of homes for sale is low because you’re feeling the impact of having a limited pool of options. And, if your biggest hurdle right now is that you’re having trouble finding something you like, don’t forget that a…

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A Drop in Equity Doesn’t Mean Low Equity

A yellow house sitting on top of some coins.

Kevin Brierton – 6.14.2023 You may see media coverage talking about a drop in homeowner equity. What’s important to understand is that equity is tied closely to home values. So, when home prices appreciate, you can expect equity to grow. And when home prices decline, equity does too. Here’s how this has played out recently. …

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Oops! Home Prices Didn’t Crash After All

Blue dollar bills with a percent sign.

Kevin Brierton – 6.5.2023 During the fourth quarter of last year, many housing experts predicted home prices were going to crash this year. Here are a few of those forecasts: Jeremy Siegel, Russell E. Palmer Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Wharton School of Business: “I expect housing prices fall 10% to 15%, and the…

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Today’s Real Estate Market: The ‘Unicorns’ Have Galloped Off

A white unicorn is walking in the grass.

Kevin Brierton – 5.30.2023 Comparing real estate metrics from one year to another can be challenging in a normal housing market. That’s due to possible variability in the market making the comparison less meaningful or accurate. Unpredictable events can have a significant impact on the circumstances and outcomes being compared.  Comparing this year’s numbers to…

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A Recession Doesn’t Equal a Housing Crisis

A street with houses and trees on the side.

Kevin Brierton – 5.2.2023 Everywhere you look, people are talking about a potential recession. And if you’re planning to buy or sell a house, this may leave you wondering if your plans are still a wise move. To help ease your mind, experts are saying that if we do officially enter a recession, it’ll be…

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Trying To Buy a Home? Hang in there.

A woman standing in front of a window looking out.

Kevin Brierton – 4.6.2023 We’re still in a sellers’ market. And if you’re looking to buy a home, that means you’re likely facing some unique challenges, like difficulty finding a home and volatile mortgage rates. But keep in mind, there are some benefits to being a buyer in today’s market that give you good reason…

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Have Home Values Hit Bottom?

A house with two windows and a sky background

Kevin Brierton – 1.18.2023 Whether you’re already a homeowner or you’re looking to become one, the recent headlines about home prices may leave you with more questions than answers. News stories are talking about home prices falling, and that’s raising concerns about a repeat of what happened to prices in the crash in 2008. One of the questions that’s on…

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