Why It’s Still a Seller’s Market Today

A woman sitting on the couch looking at her phone.

Kevin Brierton – 9.4.2023 Even though activity in the housing market has slowed from the frenzy that was the â€˜unicorn’ years, it’s still a seller’s market because the supply of homes for sale is so low. But what does that really mean for you? And why are conditions today so good if you want to sell your house? The…

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Home Prices Are Rebounding

A wooden house with money stacked on top of it.

Kevin Brierton – 7.17.2023 If you’re following the news today, you may feel a bit unsure about what’s happening with home prices and fear whether or not the worst is yet to come. That’s because today’s headlines are painting an unnecessarily negative picture. If we take a year-over-year view, home prices did drop some, but that’s because we’re comparing to a â€˜unicorn’…

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Reasons Your Home May Not Be Selling

A house with a lot of grass on the front lawn

Kevin Brierton – 7.10.2023 When it comes to selling your house, you want three things: to sell it for the most money you can, to do it in a certain amount of time, and to do all of that with the fewest hassles. And, while the current housing market is generally favorable to sellers due…

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